Friday, June 14, 2013

We Are More Than Just Body Parts

I know that there are studies today that say that women are constantly being objectified by men.  We are looked at and are identified by our body parts rather than us as a whole person.  On the other hand, men view other men by the sum of all their parts, and not by necessarily by their hair, chests, behinds, eyes or penis bulge in their pants.  But, not for women.  We are viewed by men for just that - our hair, eyes, breast size.

For example, when a pretty woman enters and leaves a room - regardless of her intelligence or ability to do a particular job, men will more than likely comment among other men about her face, behind or breast size.  That goes even for women in the room.  They too will make critical remarks about that woman's hair, nails, choice of clothes or even her shoes.  Neither the men or women will criticize a handsome man who enters the room in the same way as that woman.  We may just cut to the chase and just call him an asshole, or incompetent, no matter how nicely he dressed.  Once again, we address him as a total being first, before we cut into him about his body parts.

Therefore, we women are complicit in the objectification of our own sex.  We know that men can get so caught up with a woman's looks, that we forget that sometimes we women get caught up in how a woman looks too.  We forget to look at, or comment about the total woman inside.  We women learn these bad habits at an early age.  We learn how to smile, wiggle our boobs, flash a quick wink, or bat our eyes and appear helpless and unknowing when doing so might help get us out of a jam.  Or even to get a man to do us a favor.  Being able to do that can be very empowering for some women.  We know how to turn "it" on to get what we want from men.

It is amazing when men can turn that game around on us, and get us to do things for them in complete disregard for our own health, safety and emotional sanity.  We use our sexual charm and our bodies to get men to pay money to us so that they can do whatever they want.  We then give our money to another man, the man who acts as our father or protector.  We try to please this man in every way.  This man, who is more than likely responsible for putting us in the position to prostitute ourselves in the first place.

Then we also have our addictions.  We pick up addictions of all sorts.  Love addictions, worship addictions, pain addictions, depression addictions, drug addictions and of course alcohol addictions.  The pursuit of happiness is an ideal goal in this life.  What you sacrifice to pursue that happiness doesn't come cheap.  It takes time to learn that happiness is achieved from within.  You learn that if the pursuit doesn't ruin or completely destroy your life first.

So there I was...showing off my body parts to entertain men.  I thought I was whole, complete and beautiful. Meanwhile deep down inside, I was broken into a shattered glass...